What’s protecting your concrete? Just like washing the salt off of your car to protect it from rusting and breaking down, you should wash your concrete and seal it. Sealing your concrete should be done at regular intervals every 2-5 years, or as needed such as if any defects appear on surface or depending which sealer is used at time of placement (some “sealers” are only curing and must be resealed with penetrating sealers within a few months). Sealers will help repel water and salt from penetrating and causing damage. We want to help you protect your investment by giving you a 10% off coupon. Please make sure to call our offices for hours and we will give you informed instructions on how best to apply.
Offer is good through October 31, 2022 and applies from 1 gallon and up. Must bring coupon in with visit!
Each sealer has its own place & use. Please read the details about each of the following products. ALL sealers are premixed from factory. If a contractor tells you to cut sealer with anything, they are ruining your sealer life/coverage. Call for other available options!
This is a water based, premixed curing, sealing & PENETRATING compound all in one application. Can be used on exterior & interior. It leaves a white pigment (allowing you to see where sealer has been applied) that goes away over time. Can be used with IntraSeal if used immediately. Lasts 3-5 years. Not for use under 50° (see Silencure A). 200-300 square feet per gallon.
Solvent silene based PENETRATING RESEAL. Leaves no sheen; absorbs and dries clear. Works best on top of most sealers. For indoor or outdoor. Lasts 3-5 years. Should be applied to point of rejection; starts to leaves standing puddles. 100-150 square feet per gallon.
Is considered a cure & topical seal. Should be used like curing agent, cleaned off & then resealed with a penetrating sealer (within 6 months or before winter). More Silene and solids, leaving a thicker coat. Silene Based. Covers less than Regular Diamond Clear, but still around 150-200 square feet per gallon.
Acrylic based sealer, similar to that of the 400A that it leaves shiny finish on top only. Great for stamped (colored) concrete or can be used over top fresh concrete with IntraSeal (only if cannot reach with curing agent and must be sealed after surface is hard). Not to be used over top Super Diamond Clear. Can be used on troweled interior floors, if well ventilated. Easier to spray than Stamped & Decorative Concrete Sealer 400A, but more user friendly and much thinner without losing all the solid content. Covers around 250-350 square feet per gallon.
Similar to the SRT, is a curing, sealing & PENETRATING compound all in one application. It, however, is a solvent-based. May dry slower than SRT and DO NOT over apply. Meant ONLY for broomed finish. Good for 5 years. Not for use under 32°. 200-300 square feet per gallon.
Is considered a cure & topical sealer. Should be used like curing agent, cleaned off & resealed with a penetrating sealer (within 6 months or before winter). Silene Based. Covers 150-250 square feet per gallon.
Formulated with a resin that develops high gloss and provides superior chemical resistance. Develops a film and will not yellow under any UV conditions, virtually eliminates bubbling during application, and is extremely durable. It is a solvent-based. Should be sealed every year, or at a minimum every other year. Covers around 250-300 square feet per gallon.
CS 25 X
CS 25 X is a used as curing compound that cures and forms a protective membrane for exterior and interior concrete. It produces a continuous film, which effectively cures fresh concrete and protects concrete surfaces from intrusion of water, water borne contaminants, and dirt. CS 25 X produces a medium gloss.
Ultimate X is a premium based, multi-component penetrating sealer specifically designed for concrete and masonry. Ultimate X contains a high concentration of silane and other components, which work deep within the surface pores. Although other sealers provide penetrating characteristics, Ultimate X creates the deepest penetration, reacting chemically to produce a highly effective barrier to the intrusion of water and salt. Ultimate X can substantially reduce the damaging effects of freeze thaw, dusting, efflorescence, precipitation, moisture and dirt degradation. Ultimate X will not alter the appearance or texture of the concrete or masonry in any way. Simply put, there is no better sealing protection than the Ultimate X protection.
Luster X is an elite, super high gloss, non-yellowing, curing and sealing compound. Luster X’s premium performance is obtained through an advanced state-ofthe-art formulation. Luster X creates the highest gloss and durability, and because it totally resists discoloration to ultraviolet light, it will never yellow. Luster X creates a chemically bonded siliconized acrylic film over the concrete, which enriches the color and enhances the look of decorative or pigmented concrete. Luster X’s unique formula makes it extremely resistant to abrasion and it retains its original appearance 2 to 3 times longer than many standard concrete sealers. Although Luster X was formulated for the decorative and pigmented market, it can be used with other concrete applications. Luster X eliminates concrete dusting, while protecting concrete against salt and water penetration. Luster X will retard efflorescence while resisting oil, grease, and food stains.
Premiere X is the first cure and seal of its kind. Its unique two part, pure acrylic copolymer formulation allows Premiere X to provide optimum conditions for curing. Premiere X provides a tough acrylic film which keeps valuable water within the concrete, allowing the hydration process to reach its maximum potential. Secondly, Premiere X penetrates and chemically reacts deep within the concrete’s pores to provide a protective layer that will keep moisture from penetrating the matrix, while at the same time allowing it to breathe. Premiere X is revolutionary because in the past, concrete owners had to wait for the curing compound to wear off or manually remove it prior to the application of a penetrating sealer. Often the cures would wear away unevenly, causing the owner to go without protection for a period of time. With Premiere X, the penetrating layer automatically takes over when the curing layer dissipates, ensuring a complete protection system against intrusion of water and salts. Premiere X provides up to 5 times the length of protection compared to standard cure and seals.
DAY1® Finishing Aid is a colloidal silica-based topical additive that makes concrete flatwork finishing easier and faster. It produces a better result and reduces the risk of a prematurely setting slab. Applied during floating and troweling, DAY1 increases cream, making for easier, better finishing and extended workable time under adverse conditions. DAY1 does not alter the water to cement ratio. It provides moisture-retention performance similar to a liquid membrane forming curing compound. DAY1, however, becomes a permanent part of the slab so there is no membrane or residue to remove.
Impede® IntraSeal is a non-chloride, non-corrosive liquid water repellent admixture designed for use in ready mix concrete. Impede® IntraSeal provides resistance to water penetration by reacting with the cement to form strong water repellency throughout the concrete structure. Impede® IntraSeal is to be used in the following applications:
• Interior and Exterior Slabs and Walls
• Cast-in-Place Concrete
• Stucco
Fresh Interior Concrete without IntraSeal (Same even if colored)
Curing & Topical Sealer only:
- Diamond Clear 350
- Super Diamond Clear 350
- Polyseal EZ
Penetrating Cure & Seal:
- SileneCure SRT (Good for temperatures 50°F and above)
- SileneCure A (Meant for colder temperatures 32-50°F; not recommended due to odor)
Fresh Interior Concrete with IntraSeal (Same even if colored)
Used mainly as Curing Compound:
- Diamond Clear 350
- Super Diamond Clear 350
- Polyseal EZ
- CS25X
Fresh Exterior Concrete without IntraSeal or Color
Curing & Topical Sealer:
- PermiereX (Only Broomed Finish)
Penetrating Cure & Seal:
- SileneCure SRT (Good for temperatures 50°F and above)
- SileneCure A (Meant for colder temperatures 32-50°F)
Fresh Exterior Concrete with IntraSeal (Non-Colored)
Used mostly as Curing Compounds, safety net Penetrating Sealer for IntraSeal:
- SileneCure SRT (50°F and above. Must be applied immediately after broomed, but only if can reach entire pad evenly; ex: sidewalks )
- SileneCure A (32-50°F)
Cure & Topical Sealer:
- Polyseal EZ
- Diamond Clear 350
- Super Diamond Clear 350
- PremiereX (Only Broomed Finish)
Curing 1ST coat, 2nd coat is Topical Sealer
- CS25X
Aged Interior Concrete - Re-seal (Re-seal EVERY 3-5 Years or as needed)
Topical Sealer, may need sealed less time apart:
- Diamond Clear 350
- Super Diamond Clear 350
- Polyseal EZ
- UltimateX
Penetrating Sealer – Regular concrete only; Non-colored
- Aquanil 40-A (CAN ONLY BE SPRAYED, NOT ROLLED; applied heavily in puddles)
Aged Exterior Concrete without Color And/Or Stamped Re-seal (Re-seal EVERY 3-5 Years)
- Aquanil 40-A (CAN ONLY BE SPRAYED, DO NOT ROLLED; applied heavily in puddles)
- UltimateX
Exterior Stamped AND/OR Colored Concrete (Re-seal EVERY 1-2 Years)
Topical Sealers only, Helps try to hold color:
- Stamped & Decorative 400A (Should be rolled on only; may need multiple coats applied several hours apart; Does not apply well over Super Diamond Clear)
- Polyseal EZ ( Should be Sprayed on)
- LusterX
- Super Diamond Clear
- See batchman about special order penetrating sealer and topical coat

K&L Headquarters
10391 State Route 15
PO Box 325
Ottawa, OH 45875
Ph: (419) 523-4376